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What people are saying about this amazing new book

        ‘’I spun myself a cocoon and couldn’t come out until I finished the damn thing. Sorry to hear about your mugging Mary Jane.
      My bad. ‘’
                          ~ Spiderman 

        ‘’ This book and the knowledge contained within, could seriously endanger the continued survival of the human species. Destroy it."

                            ~ Robert Oppenheimer

        “Like a hit of acid before jumping into the rabbit hole.” 

                            ~ Lewis Carroll 

        ‘’I never knew! Who could have known such things could be possible?
        My eyes are truly open for the first time. I can see the light and it is trying desperately to keep up with this young authors genius.’‘ 

                              ~ Albert Einstein

      "Just great! Now I've got to go back and rethink the whole Nirvanna thing."      


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